About Peril and
The Task Force on Higher Education and Society was convened by the
World Bank and UNESCO. It brought together education experts from
13 countries to explore the future of higher education in the developing
As knowledge becomes more important to the global economy, so does
higher education. The quality of knowledge generated within higher
education institutions, and its accessibility to the wider economy,
is increasingly critical to national competitiveness.
Developing countries are falling behind. Their higher education
systems are chronically under-funded, faculty under-qualified and
poorly motivated, and students often badly taught. Developing countries
need to teach more students, to a higher standard, and develop the
research capacity that will help them connect to the knowledge economy.
"Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise"
addresses six key areas:
- Longstanding problems and new realities - looking at expanding
demand, the diversification of higher education systems, and the
implications of the knowledge revolution.
- Higher education and the public interest - exploring the substantial
public returns on investment in higher education, with highly
educated individuals essential to social and economic development.
- Systems of higher education - countries must plan their higher
educations systems strategically and then draw on the energy of
a range of actors to ensure effective implementation.
- Governance - the major principles of good governance are outlined,
and compared to the actual situation in developing countries.
A range of tools are suggested to improve standards.
- Science and technology - the costs and significance of scientific
and technological education are examined. Developing countries
face serious problems as the science base becomes more complex
and costly, and strategies to tackle this are suggested, including
industry-university partnerships and local, regional and international
- General education - the relevance of a general or liberal education
is highlighted for developing countries, who have an enduring
need for people with the flexibility to adapt to rapid social
and economic change.
The Task Force report is intended to catalyze debate
and lead to action. So please feedback here or register to hear
news of future events and initiatives.
Task Force Steering Committee
Mamphela Ramphele, Henry Rosovsky, David E. Bloom, Kamal Ahmad,
Kenneth Prewitt
Members and Co-Directors Contact Information
Babar Ali |
World Wide Fund for Nature
c/o Packages Ltd.
Lahore 54770, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-5811-548
Fax: +92-42-5811-978
Email: sahilz@packages.com.pk
Hanan Ashrawi |
Beit Hanina
Jerusalem, Israel |
Tel: +972-2-585-1842 or +972-2-583-4842
Fax: +972-2-583-5184
Email: ashrawi@planet.edu
José Joaquín Brunner |
Fundación Chile
Avenida Parque Antonio Rabat Sur 6165
P.O. Box 773
Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56-2-240-0413
Email: jbrunner@fundch.cl
Lone Dybkjær |
Member of the European Parliament
97-113 Rue Belliard
B-1047 Brussels, Belgium |
Tel: +32 2 284 53 91 or +32 2 284 73 91
Fax: +32 2 284 93 91
Email: ldybkjaer@europarl.eu.int
José Goldemberg |
Professor of Physics
University of São Paulo
Institute of Electrotecnics and Energy
Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 925
Cidade Universitária 05508-900
São Paulo-SP- Brazil
Tel: +55 11 818 5053 or +55 11 818 5054
Fax: +55 11 818 5056
Email: goldemb@iee.usp.br
Georges Haddad |
Professor of Mathematics
Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
12, Place du Panthéon
75231 Paris cedex 05, France |
Tel: +33 1 45 68 13 13
Fax: +33 1 45 68 56 26 or +33 1 45 68 56 27
Email: g.haddad@unesco.org
Motoo Kaji |
Vice President
University of the Air (Tokyo)
2-11 Wakaba, Mihama-ku
Chiba City 261, Japan |
Tel: +81-43-276-5111 or +81-3-3470-4611
Fax: +81-3-3489-1222
Email: j90160@simail.ne.jp
Jajah Koswara |
Research and Community Service Development
Directorate General of Higher Education
Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi
Jalan Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta Pusat
Indonesia |
Tel: +62-21-5731251
Fax: +62-21-5732468
Email: kosbgr@indo.net.id
Narciso Matos |
Senior Program Officer
Carnegie Corporation of New York
437 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022 |
Tel: +212 207-6337 or +212 207-6269
Fax: +212 223-9822
Email: nma@carnegie.org
Kenneth Prewitt |
Bureau of the Census
Suitland Federal Center
Room 2049, FB 3
Washington, DC 20233 |
Tel: +1-301-457-2135
Fax: +1-301-457-3761
Email: kenneth.prewitt@ccmail.census.gov
Mamphela Ramphele |
Vice Chancellor
University of Cape Town
Room 101, Bremner Building
Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa |
Tel: +27-21-650-2105
Fax: +27-21-689-2440
Email: aesmar@bremner.uct.ac.za
Henry Rosovsky |
University Professor Emeritus
Loeb House
17 Quincy St.
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA |
Tel: +1-617-495-4151
Fax: +1-617-495-9381
Email: hrosovsky@harvard.edu
Manmohan Singh |
Member of Parliament
Room 120, Parliament House Annexe
New Delhi - 110001, India |
Tel: +91-11-3034120
Fax: +91-11-3014948 or +91-11-3015585
Email: manmohan@sansad.nic.in
Carl Tham |
The Olof Palme International Center
PO Box 3221
S-103 64 Stockholm |
Tel: +46-8-440 12 60
Fax: +46-8-440 12 61
Email: carin.norberg@telia.com
Kamal Ahmad |
Corporate Attorney
Morrison & Foerster LLP
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104-0050 USA |
Tel: +1-212-506-7312
Fax: +1-212-859-8587
Email: kahmad@mofo.com
David Bloom |
Professor of Economics and Demography
Harvard School of Public Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115 USA |
Tel: +1-617-432-0654
Fax: +1-617-566-0365
Email: dbloom@hsph.harvard.edu