Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro
Director General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
Globalization's risks of inequality are likely to be greatest in
the next decade, as developing countries undergo the difficult transition
to more competitive, transparent, and rule based market systems.
During the transition, a focus on minimizing and managing inequality
and on market game as nearly as possible fair, should be highlighted.
Probably the best single vaccine against the worst effects of globalization-provoked
inequality is education : the more there is of it, the lower the
inequality of real total wealth in the long run. Unfortunately one
price of high current inequality is the greater difficulty of delivering
good education to the currently less well off, and thus the risk
of inequality persisting into the future.
Higher education could not be excluded from the above mentioned
concern and therefore it is necessary for the higher education institutions
to develop institutional credibility through restructuring the nation
wide system as well as the university system. The system should
be accountable to the public, demonstrated by high efficiency of
its operation, quality and relevance of its outputs, and an internal
management that is publicly transparent and comply with the acceptable
standard of quality. The higher education program should be responsive
and adaptive to the current challenges and therefore it is necessary
to introduce a concept as the new strategy called the new paradigm.
The implementation of the concept, which relies on merit based
tiered competition, user participation in planning, transparency,
democracy, and higher accountability, has been chosen as best suited
strategy for higher education. There are several programs conducted
in Indonesia namely Development of Undergraduate Education (DUE),
Quality of Undergraduate Education (QUE) and Technological and Professional
Skills Development (TPSD). All those programs focus on improving
the quality and efficiency of higher education through competitive
development grants. Institutions write development proposals based
on the results of self-evaluation which is prepared according to
explicit standard and expectations.
Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro was born in Delft, Netherland on
January 5, 1956 and currently active as a professor in mechanical
engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. In 1999 he
was appointed as the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry
of National Education, Indonesia. He obtained his Ph.D in mechanical
engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, USA in
1984 and he joined Institut Teknologi Bandung since then.
Developing economies must remove the very elements that cause them
to be "developing" i.e. they need better infrastructure,
more human capital, adherence to the rule of law and so on in order
to be able to attract from domestic as well as foreign investors
the new capital required to finance inequality-reducing growth.
In many developing countries, education is still a vehicle that
reinforces rather than compensates for initial differences across
households in income and wealth. In a vicious circle, inequality
can constrain effective demand of poor households and generate resistance
of rich households to use the public funds to finance effective
basis schooling : the resulting inferior schooling of the poor then
feeds another generation of destructive inequality.
Education policy should be constructed to ensure that schools work
for the poor. If macroeconomic equilibrium requires high interest
rates, temporary measures to ensure equal credit access for small
and micro enterprises may be warranted. It is expected that effective
public education should be ensured on which the poor so heavily
depend if they are to join in the benefits of a market economy.
This will also slash subsidies enjoyed by the rich.
Higher education is a fairly developed and fast expanding sector
especially in East Asia. Higher education has a lot of stake in
these countries since their economies are export based and export
sector requires skilled labor for its operations. In the recent
years, the production has become knowledge-based and hence the demand
for highly qualified professionals has increased. Moreover, competitiveness
in the international market depends on the quality of the labor
force. Equally important is the fact that there is a pressure on
the system to provide quality education. Even when there is a crisis,
export being the sector that makes or breaks these economies, the
emphasis on education should continue.
Households respond to a crisis situation depending upon the effects
and substitution possibilities during the crisis period. A loss
of employment will have an immediate income reduction and it may
lead to a reduced quantity of purchases of the same basket of items
of consumption or to a substitution of those with items of consumption
whose prices have gone down and/or with poor quality items whose
prices are low. Some households tend to consume less of everything
while incomes are falling; certain households substitute dear items
with inferior items (income effect); and still some reallocate the
family budgets to keep consumption of certain items at the cost
of other items. For example, if education belongs to an item of
priority investment by the household, the households will readjust
the budgets to protect expenditure on education.
In countries where the private and public provide similar facilities,
public provision may be subsidized while private provision may be
full priced. During periods of increasing income people shift from
public to private provisions, if quality of provision and customer
services are better in that sector. A corollary of that is a person
shifting from full-priced private system to subsidized private systems
during a crisis period, if the quality of public provisions is not
very bad. Such substitution have taken place in the case of education
and health. Consequently, demand for use of public education and
health services expanded during the crisis period. In Indonesia
people preferred a drop in health expenditure to dependence on public
health facilities; the quality of public provision might have declined
sharply after the budget cuts during the crisis periods.
In general the crisis has a negative impact on the household expenditure
on health and education primarily due to reduced incomes. Households
tend to continue to invest less in education partly due to the fact
that they are more worried about survival than investment. Investments
in human capital take a long time to give results, which the households
can not cope with during periods of falling income. High income
families depending on their paying capacities, retain children in
the same schools and colleges or shift them to low cost private
institutions or public universities if seats are available. The
unfortunate situation is that the impact of crisis may be in terms
of a budget cut which contributes to a decline in the quality of
public services.
The public universities by definition are funded by the public
exchequer. The crisis implies financial stringency for the government
and hence it can be expected that allocations to all sectors including
higher education may be declining during the crisis period. The
budget cuts for the public universities are clearly visible in the
case of Indonesia. This partly due to the shift in focus from higher
to basic education and there was 56 per cent increase in allocations
(in real terms) to primary education and a loss of 26 per cent in
higher education.
During periods of economic crisis many parents shifted their children
from high fee paying private colleges and universities to public
universities. This has happened more in Indonesia and Korea where
fees in private universities are very substantial. This has led
to a decline in enrolment in private institutions. Some private
institutions in Indonesia reduced fees to retain the students.
The relevance of higher education in the 21st century begins from
the changes that are taking place in the production of knowledge.
The research practices of universities and industry, as well as
other knowledge producers, are drawing closer together. All are
now, in effect, actors in the knowledge business. The fact of globalization
means that for each actor, the bulk of knowledge to which access
is required will have been produced elsewhere. Over 90 per cent
of the knowledge produced globally is not produced where its use
is required. The challenge is how to get knowledge that may have
been produced anywhere in the world to place where it can be used
effectively in a particular problem-solving context.
Universities have been far more adept at producing knowledge than
at drawing creatively (re-configuring) knowledge that is being produced
in the distributed knowledge production system. It remains an open
question at this time whether they can make the necessary institutional
adjustments to become as competent in the latter as they have been
in the former. This requires the creation of a cadre of knowledge
workers -- people who are expert at configuring knowledge relevant
to a wide range of contexts. The shift from knowledge production
to knowledge configuration is a challenge that is particular acute
for the universities of the developing world.
In order to operate efficiently, universities will need to be much
reduced in size, and they will have to learn to make use of intellectual
resources that they do not fully control. This is the only way that
they will be able to interact effectively with the distributed knowledge
production system and with the progressive differentiation of supply
and demand for specialized knowledge. Universities in the future
will comprise a small core of faculty and a much larger periphery
of experts of various kinds that are linked to universities in diverse
ways. Universities will become a new type of "holding institution"
in the field of knowledge production. Perhaps their role will be
limited to accrediting teaching done primarily by others while,
in research, playing their part by orchestrating problem-solving
teams to work on fundamental issues.
Universities will play major roles not only in national but also,
and increasingly, in regional economic development, in the delivery
of life-long learning, and in the development of civic culture.
In order to be effective in these spheres, the values of technology
transfer will have to be brought from the periphery of universities,
where they reside at the moment, to their core. Universities who
are serious about playing a role in the complex game of technology
interchange will enter into a complex array of partnerships, the
dynamics of which will involve a combination of competition and
Universities still enjoy a privileged place in the distributed
knowledge production system, but existing structures are too inflexible
to accommodate emerging modes of knowledge production or demands
that a greater variety of "students" will make. Both students
and staffs realize that their personal success lies in being able
to find a niche in the emerging knowledge society. The problem is
that in neither teaching nor research do the universities have this
turf to themselves.
Over the last twenty years, a new paradigm of the function of higher
education in society has emerged. While universities still maintain
their role as the "conscience of society", more pragmatic
roles have been evolving over time: universities no longer pursue
knowledge for its own sake, rather they provide qualified manpower
and produce knowledge. With this new economically oriented paradigm,
comes accountability. Higher education will be judged in terms of
outputs and the contributions it makes to national development.
Criteria to assess the quality of the work and of the teams which
carry out research in this new university will differ from those
of more traditional, disciplinary science. In the past, quality
was determined through peer review. Control was maintained by careful
selection of those judged competent to act as peers, which was in
the part determined by their previous contributions to their discipline.
In the new university additional criteria are added through the
context of application which now incorporates a diverse range of
intellectual interests as well as other social, economic or political
Quality assurance will be more complex as universities move to
broaden the range of their knowledge missions. Until now, quality
control in teaching and research has been exercised through essentially
the same type of peer review system. Quality has been a matter for
academics and academics alone. It has been up to them to determine
when quality in both teaching and research has been achieved. Hybridization
of the disciplinary structure is likely to continue to be the main
mode of expansion in teaching provision in the future. If new research
practices diffuse more widely throughout universities, entirely
new assurance mechanisms will be necessary for the problem-oriented
teaching that will accompany it. One can expect to see the development
of new bench marking methodologies and the production of a range
of bench marking studies across the higher education sector.
In the quality assurance processes which are now emerging, a much
wider range of factors is being considered. Universities will not
be able to insist on criteria which reflect their intellectual interests
alone rather they will be one actor among several and the challenge
for them will be to ensure that their legitimate interests survive
the negotiation process.
As a result of the massification and diversification of higher
education, governments are progressively implementing a finance
and management reform agenda : supplementing governmental revenues
(in important part from those students and families who can pay),
differentiating institutions, encouraging private sector initiatives,
and loosening governmental regulations.
Significant progress in implementing this reform agenda is seen
in the following. The costs of higher education are increasingly
being shared with students and families via tuition and full cost
recovery fees. Means-tested grants and student loans are available
in many countries, and are on the public higher education policy
agenda of many others. Private sectors continue to grow where not
prohibited by law, and cost-effective, market-responsive learning
is occurring in these institutions, though often, or so it seems,
of uneven quality. The financing of universities is taking into
account measurable output indicators, and devolving expenditure
authority to the universities.
On the other hand, parts of the generally accepted reform agenda
have progressed very unevenly. For example, public higher education
sectors in most countries continue to have great difficulties restructuring
and closing inefficient and outdated institutions. Means testing
for the purpose of subsidizing selectively those students in greatest
financial need has proven difficult in countries where tax compliance
is uneven. Loans have not, in most cases, shifted cost burden from
the government, or taxpayer, to the student, due mainly to insufficient
interest rates, collections, and targeting upon students whose access
depends on the loans. "Performance" and other new forms
of public budgeting have been accompanied, in many instances, with
unintended and sometimes unwanted consequences--like attempts to
exaggerate any performance criteria in order to secure more resources.
The quest for productivity and efficiency is dominated by cost side
considerations rather than by outputs of learning-universities throughout
the world continue to neither measure the learning added by the
institution, nor to maximize learning in ways that have been proven
to be effective. Finally in the devolution of authority between
government and institutions there is a need for clarification of
what authority and what operating decisions belong to institutions
of higher education and which belong to the government.
There continues to be an open debate in most of the countries between
the centralized and decentralized frameworks, the relative importance
of the public and the private, about the role of the government,
and the autonomy of the university. The challenge to public policy
is in combining the efficiency and flexibility associated with diversification
with the continuing responsibility of the governments with a view
to guide, regulate and subsidize. The main aim of such guidance
and reforms being the provision of minimal standards of quality
and consumer protection, appropriate academic coverage for the needs
of economy and society, and assurance of access for those of high
ability and motivation, from families otherwise unable to pay.
The New Paradigm
A university in Indonesia carries out certain functions in the
society, which are education, research, and community service. The
society, as the source of university funding, has the right to be
informed on the quality of university's performance. In order to
provide an objective information to the society, the National Accreditation
Board (Badan Akreditasi Nasional or BAN-PT) was established in 1994.
The accreditation process is conceptually not limited to activities
carried out by the BAN-PT. It could also include benchmarking carried
out by other national and international agencies, i.e. certification
by professional associations. In addition to the external evaluation
through accreditation, a widely accepted good practice in management
is decision making based on facts, data, and information, that are
gathered, processed, and presented through an evaluation process.
Quality, autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and evaluation,
represent the five pillars of the new paradigm in higher education
management. Different implementation schemes will be required for
each level of management hierarchy, i.e. the central authority (Directorate
General of Higher Education or DGHE), universities, academic units
within each institution, and individuals.
The implementation of the concept includes granting an opportunity
to the smallest unit to develop its own plan, implement the plan,
and be responsible as well as accountable for that. Similar concepts
have been implemented in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand,
and Canada. The most important feature of its implementation is
the decentralization of management control away from the central
authority to the individual institution. The implementation involved
a new contractualism coupled with a new accountability and funding
structures, a shift from input control to quantifiable output measures
and performance targets.
The DGHE's long term strategy (KPPT-JP) has taken the implementation
of the new paradigm as its core program. When the current strategy
(KPPT-JP 1996 - 2005) was written, the concept was a new concept
that needs an extensive piloting before it becomes a proven strategy.
During the course of implementation, it turns out that the concept
could become the best alternative to solve many problems arise from
the complex and multifaceted higher education system, and more importantly
as a mean to prepare the universities in becoming a credible moral
Competition is an acknowledged central force in higher education
and nurtured by many scholars. Under the new public management theory,
the provision of educational services should be made contestable.
It provides an opportunity for the beneficiaries not to be uniform,
and relies mostly to the proposer ability to participate within
a predetermined corridor. In order to accommodate a variety of stages
of development, however, institutional maturity, geographical location,
and specific disciplines, competition should be introduced in a
tiered format.
The paradigm shift requires a tremendous structural change within
the university governance, as well as the central government. The
implementation is therefore carried out gradually beginning with
a pilot project, called the DUE (Development for Undergraduate Education)
Project, assisted by the World Bank in 1996. The introduction of
the new paradigm concept for institutional development, which is
relatively loosely related with research, had to overcome significant
resistance at the beginning. The common argument was that the previous
experiments were only limited to the best universities, which are
more prepared to participate in competition. The experiment is not
expandable to include less established institutions. Therefore the
project chose to begin with the least established universities which
had not received significant input in the last 5 to 10 years.
After the experience in DUE Project, the same team began the preparation
activities for QUE (Quality for Undergraduate Education). It is
basically a free competition and offered to all study programs,
including those in the private institutions. In the private sector,
only programs in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, civil
engineering, electrical engineering, biology, mathematics, chemistry,
physics are eligible to compete. Since the QUE is a free competition,
only the best will be selected and merit is taken as the most important
criteria. Although the QUE is targeted to the best population, proposal
development in many cases is still a crucial problem. Years of input
based investment projects have considerably affected the ability
to focus on outputs and outcome. The capacity to conduct proper
self-assessment and draw an appropriate conclusion from it, and
develop a program to remedy the weaknesses is in most cases lacking.
In the fiscal year of 1999/2000 the government is introducing a
similar scheme to a fully funded government project by opening a
tiered competition for a fraction of the government budget, under
a project called "DUE-Like". In order to have an acceptable
fairness of competition, public universities are grouped in 6 groups.
The vertical grouping is done based on the institution's stage of
development and previous level of investment, whereas horizontal
grouping is done based on their specific disciplines.
In the fiscal year of 2001 the government initiates a similar scheme
to the Asian Development Bank assisted project called Technological
and Professional Skill Development (TPSD), which is conducted through
a tiered competition. In order to have a fair competition, then
public and private universities are in the separate group and also
the universities with the most level of previous investment are
excluded in the competition. Grouping is done also with regard to
geographical locations and educational streams (vocational and academic).
One additional feature is significant in this project, i.e. sustainability,
in which it is compulsory for the winning institution to provide
counterpart fund from its own revenue.
Piloting For University Autonomy
As mentioned earlier, universities are expected to play the role
of a moral force in supporting the national development. Although
financial management is one of the most important aspects that hinder
universities to play the expected role, many other centralized control
has also affected universities. The 4 most established universities,
University of Indonesia (UI), Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB),
Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Bandung Institute of Technology
(ITB), have all the reputation and potential to become the moral
force that the government has invited them to submit a plan for
autonomy. It is realized that implementing the new public management
theory will be much more difficult and complex in these universities.
Establishing a new university must be much easier and simpler, however,
the objective of the structural adjustment is not merely a structural
adjustment. It has a much larger mandate : preparing them to become
a moral force.
The critical success factor in achieving this accountability is
a change of the university legal status. Currently public universities
were established as a government service unit under the Ministry
of National Education (MONE) by a Presidential Decree, whereas their
counterpart in other country were established as a legal entity,
e.g. in the USA by the state's constitution or legislature, in the
UK by the Queen's act. Probably Japan is the only developed country
without such status for its universities. As a government service
unit, a public university has limited autonomy and has to comply
with all prevailing regulations applied for a government service
unit, i.e. financial management (Indische Comptabiliteit Wet or
ICW), personnel management (civil service), appointment of Rector,
internal management and governance. As a government service unit,
it is only accountable to the MONE instead of its stakeholders.
In July 1999 the government decreed the Government Regulation 61/1999
making it possible for public universities to change their legal
status. Under the regulation, a public university should demonstrate
its intention to change its status by submitting a plan for autonomy
to the government. A set of criteria and procedure is defined by
a MONE's decree. Only those who meet the criteria and procedure
will be granted a new status by issuing a government regulation
establishing the university as a separate legal entity. Under the
prevailing law, the government has the mandate to establish a new
state owned legal entity by a government regulation separating its
asset (excluding land) from the government's asset.
The learning experience is not only applied to the piloted universities,
but it should be equally important for the government. Since a university
as a separate legal entity has never been existed before, the MONE,
Ministry of Finance, and other government institutions are equally
inexperience in implementing this initiative. It is understandable,
therefore, that many government officials has different interpretation
of its motivating factors. Some still think that changing the university
status is an act of "privatization" instead of "corporatization"
that government subsidy will be gradually reduced. The government
decides to provide a block grant budget allocation to the universities
and this demonstrates the whole-hearted commitment to the reform
In December 2000 the government issued the Government Regulation
No. 152/2000, 153/2000, 154/2000, and 155/2000 for the establishment
of University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Bogor Institute
of Agriculture, and Bandung Institute of Technology as a state owned
legal entity respectively. Each of the institutions will have a
period of five year for a transition process to become fully acting
as a state owned legal entity, since there are a number of things
to be conducted such as transfer of assets (excluding land), transfer
of personnel, establishment of the necessary apparatus within the
institution, development of control system, development of a new
budgeting system, and many others. There will be no point of return
for those institutions once they are in the new status.
Structural Adjustment
In Indonesia, university autonomy is mostly discussed within the
context of government role in providing funding and program license,
whereas the meaning of accountability is commonly limited to financial
auditability. Although those aspects are critical, there are many
other aspects should be considered as not less in its importance,
even more fundamental, i.e. the government control over staffs through
civil service, centralized planning, lack of involvement of stakeholders
in university governance, and perhaps the most fundamental is the
fading moral ground.
The government through the DGHE will not directly involve in implementing
policy directions, instead it could act as a mediator through various
peer organizations, e.g. Board of Higher Education, National Accreditation
Board, as well as other professional associations and organizations.
As a mediator, the government could protect the public welfare and
fulfill its constitutional responsibility by providing various schemes
of subsidy and investment. The provision of funding could also use
to protect national interests, implement policies to encourage universities
to enrich culture, social life, and critical citizenship, to produce
highly skilled manpower, generate knowledge, and promote educated
In order to balance the government role in demanding accountability
to the universities, universities should also be granted sufficient
level of autonomy, i.e. university autonomy and academic freedom.
In many cases, as in the case of the current Indonesia, universities
are also requested to play a role as a moral force in corrective
policies, i.e. restoration of moral and basic value in the society.
In the context of contemporary higher education in Indonesia, the
major issue in autonomy is the management of its resources and programs.
Due to its legal status, public universities have to comply with
the ICW Law and Civil Service Law, which are inappropriate and inapplicable
for higher education institutions. As for private universities,
the foundation's over-control over university management has created
similar problems.
Under the Government Regulation 61/1999 the university will consist
of, among others, the Board of Trustees, Academic Senate, Audit
Board, Rector & Vice Rectors, etc. The Board of Trustees will
have a central role since it will be responsible to appoint the
Rector and oversee his/her performance, and only through this Board
the government can involve in the university governance. The Academic
Senate will comprise only elected staff (including professors) as
members, and become more of a body representing various internal
stakeholders within the university. In order to provide a liberty
to design the internal mechanism that best suited the university
unique needs, the Government Regulation 61/1999 does not provide
a guideline for internal governance other than the aforementioned
structure. The internal governance within individual university
should, however, also adopt the spirit of democracy, participation,
transparency, and public accountability.
Funding Mechanism
Funding of higher education system is a very crucial issue around
the world since it mingles with many other aspects far beyond the
education sector, practical as well as philosophical. Even in the
industrialized countries, which can already afford to allocate higher
proportion of government budget to higher education, the government
funding mechanism is always the target of many critics. As the political
economics shifts globally from the concept of welfare state to national
competitiveness and wealth creation, funding available to higher
education in these countries for discretionary activities is constricting.
The distinction between knowledge and commodity has narrowed, and
higher education is increasingly demanded to directly contribute
to the national development. In developing countries such Indonesia,
limited government budget should be first allocated to support the
primary and secondary education due to their higher social impacts
and benefits and their inclusion in the human rights. In this regard,
funding mechanism critically affects the higher education direction.
Currently the government support for higher education is provided
in the DIP (development budget) and DIK (routine budget). The government
appropriation is particularly provided in the form which currently
comprise budget for personnel and is rigidly line itemized. With
the shifted government role from supervisory and regulatory body
toward more as a funding agency in the future, the government funding
mechanism should also be significantly affected. It should adopt
the block grant or block funding mechanism which is defined based
on output or the number of graduates produced instead of based on
the student enrollment.
Setting the tuition rate in universities, particularly for the
regular program, could be a delicate issue. Since the only source
of funding other than government appropriation is student tuition,
it is unavoidable to demand higher rate. The need for higher parents'
contribution is also apparent since they have already benefited
much more compared to other segment of population. In most countries
it is commonly accepted that the community contribution in higher
education should be significantly higher compared with basic education.
It is important for a manager of any academic unit to better understand
the profile of their own student that a thorough analysis on students'
social and economic background should be carried out. There are
academic disciplines that are traditionally chosen by students from
better off family, and some others by those from less fortunate
family. There are also universities which location attracts more
students from upper middle class economic background, and some others
who do not. In any case, admission should be based on academic merit
and should not be based on student's economic background. Students
who come from a family with adequate financial ability, however,
should not be unfairly subsidized, that a higher tuition rate should
be charged against them. The surpluses acquired will be used to
subsidize those who are financially unfortunate through various
schemes of scholarship. Thus, a system of student tuition should
be carefully developed and designed to be fully transparent, accountable,
and involve them to participate in the design process as well as
1. Nancy Birdsall, "Managing Inequality in the Developing
World", Current History, November 1999, p. 376
2. N.V. Varghese, "Economic Crisis and Higher Education in
East Asia", UNESCO-IIEP Policy Forum, 29 - 31 January 2001,
Selangor, Malaysia
3. Michael Gibbons, "Higher Education Relevance in the 21st
Century", UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, Paris,
France, October 5-9, 1998
4. Elaine El-Khawas, Robin DePietro-Jurand, Lauritz Holm-Nielsen,
"Quality Assurance in Higher Education : Recent Progress; Challenge
Ahead", UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, Paris,
France, October 5-9, 1998
5. D. Bruce Johnstone, Alka Arora, William Experton, "The
Financing and Management of Higher Education : A Status Report on
Worldwide Reforms", UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education,
Paris, France, October 5-9, 1998
6. Task Force on Higher Education, "Higher Education Strategy
: Implementation of the New Paradigm", Final Draft, World Bank
in cooperation with Bappenas (National Agency for Development, Indonesia)
, July 2000